The Developing World is in desperate need of millions of affordable,
basic homes. This need can only increase as the world population
continues to grow and proportionately more people live in urban
areas. In common with education and health care, much of the
subsistence housing in which many of the world's poor live is below
acceptable standards.
The Developed World is also beset with crises in the supply of
affordable housing. Major cities which, with industrialization and the
spread of international trade, grew rapidly in the latter half of the 19th
century and the first half of the 20th century, face the challenge of
urban renewal. Housing built as a result of widespread destruction
caused during World War II was frequently constructed to standards
which leave much to be desired. Many massive urban tenement
projects are incapable of effective renovation.
The Thin Wall in Concrete (TWiC) housing system offers the
opportunity to create basic, affordable homes which can be
finished and expanded as required. Any time is a good time to do
something better. The new millennium, however, presents an ideal
opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of new housing for the
millions who need it. With TWiC, the LOMBARD GROUP will help
the World meet these pressing needs, as well as for a full range
of other building requirements.